Ms Foundation for Women

Ms Foundation for Women (NY)
The Drechos Sin Fronteras program
For the Derechos Sin Fronteras program
Program development For a peer exchange with Domestic Workers United to share strategies for building the power and securing the rights of immigrant women workers
Income development; Management development/capacity building For capacity-building support for a fundraising plan to encourage greater support for building immigrant women's power
Conferences/seminars For convening of African American women who are grassroots and professional fundraisers in the Southeast
Program development For Derechos Sin Fronteras intensive reproductive health and justice training with Latina and youth leaders to build knowledge and skills related to sexual and reproductive health leadership advocacy skills and peer education
Conferences/seminars For the Assets Movement at its Moment: Creating the Save and Invest Economy Conference to promote the well-being and security of women families and communities based on just economic policies
Management development/capacity building; Faculty/staff development For capacity-building support to train and orient new staff to support the continuation of the Immigrant Women's Organizing and Advocacy Project
Advocacy; Program development For prevention of adolescent pregnancy through advocacy collaboration and education in North Carolina communities