Levi Strauss Foundation (CA)
Program development For the 1:1 Fund online platform providing matching funds for special bank accounts helping students in the 2013 kindergarten class in San Francisco public schools save for college
Conferences/seminars To sponsor the 2012 Assets Learning Conference in Washington DC
Continuing support; Advocacy; Program development To build the capacity of the Assets and Opportunity Network a national alliance of advocates to advance local state and federal asset policy that expands financial security and economic mobility for low-income Americans
Program development To advance asset-building public policies that improve financial security and expand economic opportunity for lower-income families and communities
For the production of conference bags for attendees of the inaugural Innovation Summit in Washington DC as a means to generate market opportunities for women's cooperatives in Guatemala
Continuing support; Program development To advance state and federal asset policy and strategic innovations that improve financial security and expand economic opportunity for lower-income families and communities
Continuing support; Advocacy; Program development To advance state and federal asset policy that expands financial security and economic mobility for low-income Americans
Program development To build the capacity of a national network of advocates to advance local state and federal asset policy that expands financial security and economic mobility for low-income Americans
Continuing support
Continuing support
Continuing support
Research To produce the Assets and Opportunities Scorecard which assesses the economic well-being of people living in the US