AFL-CIO of North Carolina

1408 Hillsborough St
Raleigh, NC 27605
Tax ID
Tax Status
Revenue: 848,296
Expenses: 767,658
Assets: 1,264,940
Latest Tax Filing

The North Carolina State American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (North Carolina AFL-CIO) is the state affiliate organization of the AFL-CIO, the United States’ largest federation of unions.

With North Carolina being a right-to-work state, the North Carolina chapter of the AFL-CIO’s primary purpose is to help elect progressive candidates to office to facilitate more favorable policies for unions. They actively call for their members to “engage and mobilize our leaders, our members and Community allies by communicating, educating and activating around policy issues, political campaigns, and union fights.”

The North Carolina chapter has set up a small pseudo union across the state. A list of affiliated union chapters affiliated is below.